Piracanga Ecovillage is today the most prominent ecovillage in Brazil. Located on the Maraú Peninsula – Bahia, in front of a paradisiacal beach and the Piracanga River.
We receive visitors from all over the world, who seek to be inspired, discovering new ways of connecting with themselves and with Nature. All are welcome, whether to participate in courses and retreats or to spend a few days in our accommodations, to experience Piracanga.
We are a living laboratory, in constant transformation. With more than 15 years of history, Piracanga is the birthplace of numerous community projects focused on environmental and social regeneration and has a rich and diverse community of residents, who share and seek a more sustainable, ecological, and collective lifestyle.
We are a “Platform of Transforming Educational Experiences”, with the purpose of promoting regeneration and integration, within ourselves and in the world.
That’s why we offer all the structure for those who want to experience Piracanga in practice.
You can either spend a few days in our accommodations or participate in some of the courses and retreats that take place here.
See the agenda with the next courses and retreats in Piracanga, by clicking on the button below:
Our accommodations are always available to welcome you!
Built in an ecological way, they are located right in front of the river and the sea, in the most privileged location of Piracanga.
They offer comfort and tranquility throughout your stay, with options ranging from private suites to beds in shared dormitories.
All rooms have bed linen, bath towels, mosquito nets, pillows, hot water, large balconies, a nature view, and a 100% biodegradable personal hygiene kit. Wi-Fi internet is available in shared areas.
Our restaurant serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner daily for both visitors and residents.
Our food is 100% plant-based, providing a detox experience to cleanse the body while taking care of our planet.
Even those who are not used to this type of healthy diet are surprised by the diversity of flavors, the consistency, the quality of the dishes, and especially the positive effects that occur on the body.
If you have any concerns about this type of food, the recommendation of our chefs is just one: don’t worry about it! You will be positively surprised and so will your body.
A curator ship with the best professionals in their fields, offering courses and retreats that address fundamental aspects of humanity:
There are countless activities offered by the local community of Piracanga.
The daily schedule is very dynamic and by being here you can participate! Some free, some paid:
Humanity needs to improve the way we relate to Nature, to others, and to ourselves.
In Piracanga we are a living laboratory, and we seek these solutions in practice: implementing, making mistakes, improving, transforming.
We believe that this transformation starts within us, and gains strength in the collective. When we can integrate what is different, with respect, dialogue, listening, and love. That is why we value any and all manifestations that bring us closer to this path.
At Unah Piracanga, we leverage this transformation by promoting transformative educational experiences, both for visitors and the local community.
Deep connection with Nature: bathing in the river or the sea, walking barefoot all day, looking at the night sky, and seeing countless stars.
Contact with the diverse local community: Circle dances, yoga practices, meeting new friends, singing around the fire at dusk.
Discover new ways of living: healthy eating, deeper relationships, understanding the importance of using a dry toilet, and composting your organic waste.
Expand your worldview: Participate in the most diverse activities of self-knowledge and connection. Meeting people with life experiences completely different from yours. Cultivating new habits that will improve your life.
Does not value diversity and respect for all forms of cultural and spiritual manifestation.
Practices discrimination of any kind: race, gender, religiosity, origin, social class, etc.
Don’t want to try new things, like eating 100% plant-based food or using a dry toilet.
Not willing to respect nature care agreements
Need to consume alcohol (or any other substance) for fun and relaxation
Need to watch TV (we don’t have TV).
Are in psychiatric treatment, or chemical dependency: we do not have the structure to provide the necessary support (but you will be very welcome after completing your treatment!).
In 2020, after the pandemic and the end of the inkiri community, the old inkiri center closed its operations and remained closed for approximately two years.
During this period many people had to leave Piracanga, and there were many doubts about the future of this place so loved by many who lived and passed through it.
It was precisely this love for Piracanga and a search for a better world that brought together a group of friends (some even former members of the extinct inkiri community). Taking advantage of the successes and mistakes of the past, to create Unah Piracanga, where the old inkiri center once existed.
This new dream came into operation in December 2021 and the first major event held was the Community New Year. All the residents of the ecovillage were summoned to offer their best gifts and talents, and from this union, a wonderful, rich, diverse event was born. And most importantly: inclusive, where everyone could take part. This event symbolized the moment of planting unity.
From there, we continue in this quest to integrate and unite each time, in order to be able to overflow prosperity and union also to the region around Piracanga, which has many communities in vulnerable situations.
If you also believe that union and integration are the way to transform ourselves and the world, welcome to Unah Piracanga!
Even though it is geographically isolated, arriving in Piracanga is easy if you plan a few days in advance.
The nearest international airport is Salvador (SSA), which receives daily flights from Europe and USA.
The nearest domestic airport is Ilhéus (IOS), which receives daily flights from the main capitals: São Paulo (2h flight), Belo Horizonte (1:20h flight), Brasília (1:45h) and Salvador (50min flight).
From the airport of Ilhéus to Piracanga it is a journey by car that takes approximately 2 hours. However, attention: the final stretch is a dirt/sand road, and not all taxis make this route. Our team will provide you with the contacts of taxis that will take you from the airport straight to Piracanga.
To see the location of Unah Piracanga on the map, click here.
To see the location of Unah Piracanga on the map, click here.
Conventional products contain chemicals that our water treatment systems cannot clean, and end up polluting our groundwater. All visitors to the Unah center receive a kit of biodegradable products upon arrival. In addition, you can find any product you need at the Plant! Laboratory, which produces excellent local products that are 100% biodegradable.
Piracanga is an alcohol free place.
If you have this need, you can do it on the beach or in the coconut grove next to Piracanga.
All food at the Unah center is plant-based (vegan), and in Piracanga we do not consume meat.
All waste produced must be cleaned, dried, separated and sent to the selective collection center. Organic waste is composted.
We have nothing against animals, just the opposite! Thousands of wild animals live here, such as tamarins, armadillos, lizards, hundreds of species of birds, etc. Domestic animals unfortunately end up scaring (and hunting) the wild and free animals we love so much.
Some bathrooms (closer to the mangrove) are dry. That is, they do not use water, and produce an excellent material to fertilize our soil. The other rooms have conventional bathrooms.
The system does not support some equipment such as: hair dryer, flat iron, iron, water heaters, etc. We also ask that you charge your electronics during the day, enjoying the abundance of sunshine.
O projeto nasceu com um grupo de amigos que se conheceu em Piracanga após percorrerem caminhos bastante diversos e hoje tem em comum o amor por essa terra e a intenção de construir um futuro melhor para todos. Nos reunimos em torno deste objetivo em comum confiantes de que há espaço e vontade para promover a transformação e a regeneração das relações no âmbito pessoal, coletivo e planetário. Nosso ponto de partida somos nós mesmos numa jornada de humildade e muito aprendizado sobre o que é construir um novo mundo dentro e fora de nós.
Unah Piracanga é mais uma semente para reflorestar o mundo. Ao reconhecermos o potencial deste lugar mágico, lançamos nossa intenção de que outras pessoas também possam ter a oportunidade de experienciar e juntar-se à transformação que estamos vivendo.
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Recomenda-se reservar assim que confirmar sua estadia. O prazo mínimo é de 48 horas de antecedência. Após esse prazo, só é possível reservar transporte exclusivo, com custo mais alto.
Para reduzir as emissões de CO2 e os custos, você vai compartilhar o carro com outros passageiros, que também estão vindo para Unah, tornando a viagem mais divertida e social!
Os horários são definidos para garantir o menor tempo de espera possível entre os voos. Caso precise de um atendimento mais personalizado, você pode contratar um carro exclusivo.
Motoristas confiáveis e experientes, que trabalham conosco há anos.
Eles entrarão em contato via WhatsApp fornecendo todas as informações necessárias.
Os carros compartilhados partem e saem sempre dos mesmos pontos de encontro.
Os pontos de encontro são:
Caso deseje que o transporte te busque ou deixe em algum lugar específico, é necessário reservar um transporte exclusivo.
Pode ser pago a vista (PIX) ou no cartão de crédito.
Sim. É necessário trocar de veículo para o trecho final da viagem, onde a estrada é de terra e é necessário um veículo 4×4.
Existem dois trajetos:
Não temos estacionamento em Unah, porém existe uma área comum de estacionamento na Ecovila de Piracanga. São poucas vagas e durante o verão não costuma ter vagas disponíveis.
Uma boa alternativa é deixar seu veículo em Itacaré (em estacionamento) e de lá agendar um transfer via central de transportes Unah.
Salvador tem um aeroporto internacional, com bem mais opções de voos e, em geral, passagens mais acessíveis.
Porém, de todas as maneiras de como chegar, pousarem Salvador é a mais distante de Unah Piracanga: são 7h de viagem da Salvador até Itacaré.
É uma viagem mais longa, mas pelo valor mais acessível, algumas pessoas optam por ela. Damos os passos a seguir:
a. Do aeroporto pegue um táxi até as Balsas (“Ferry Boat”) e atravesse para Bom Despacho. Confira os horários e tarifas das balsas aqui.
b. Em Bom Despacho, o terminal de ônibus rodoviário já é logo na saída do terminal da balsa. Em geral, os ônibus esperam os passageiros da balsa para saírem. Pegue um ônibus que vai para Itacaré e siga na próxima parte.
Itacaré é a cidade mais próxima de Unah Piracanga (aprox. 1h de viagem de carro) e nossa central de transportes oferece transfer entre Itacaré e Unah.
Recomendamos que agende com antecedência.
2025 | Unah ECOLODGE SA | CNPJ 44.280.672/0001-73 | All Rights Reserved