The Creative Awakening

03 - 10 July 2022
Despertar da Energia Criativa
What is this experience?

Do you know the “Artist Creator” inside yourself?

Have you ever thought about a unique immersion, offering art and emotional self-knowledge, in a paradisiacal community on a Brazilian beach, where everything, from food to multiple artistic experiences, is thought to open the best of yourself?

The Creative Awakening” is an artistic immersion that offers you the right conditions – poetry & magic united – to awaken up your sleeping potential and your creativity. The process, held in Portuguese and English, will finish with an “artistic baptism” and a performance.

A 7-day retreat where you will be led by facilitators – artists and therapists – with experience inside and outside the country to bring out your best version, your unique and original creative individuality.

Like a poetic acupuncture, you will be stimulated, in a simple and careful way, at various points on the art-life border: from the use of words, to the possibility of reconfiguration of the way you conduct yourself in dialogues, or how you elaborate your visions of reality.

Work on your emotions…

An immersion to find unsuspected patterns of energy within oneself, experiences and sensations “outside the box”, inner selves dormant in time… or meet the potency of future selves; nourish yourself with beauty, colors, touches, spices…
… or delight yourself with nights of surprising magical-poetic experiences & days of unsuspected atmospheres and flavors;

Meet new people and new physical, emotional and mental environments…

Make other syntheses & compositions.
Going beyond yourself to find yourself.

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All this on a Paradisiacal beach, in the south of Bahia, Brazil… A place which offers the purest energy of nature: a hot river and the sea to bath your soul and teach you how to navigate in fresh or salty waters. And space-time for physical and spiritual dives…

And, as a culmination of the process, to have the unique experience of participating, with the signature of an artist-creator, in a theatrical experience – a genuine performance – that will be shared with the local community, in a simple and ludic way.

What do we want?

Is it possible to recreate yourself through art?
Can the creative act, the experience of the “state of creativity”, bring about “chemical” changes in the one who experiences it, fostering an artistic individuality – or the expression of our best version?

The retreat will offer a veritable avalanche of experiences, pleasures, games, and sensations to unleash your creative energy and put it into action, in a practical, simple, pleasant, healthy way. The proposal summarizes two decades of experience of the facilitators both in several cities in Brazil and in countries such as France, Germany, Portugal, Italy, Chile, and Mexico.

The work is all designed to awaken the creative and unique potential of each participant, as well as offer a space for recreation of oneself based on artistic actions, allowing access to more pleasure and well-being. As well as a clearing of patterns and opening new possibilities of emotional and psychic responses.

The experiences are composed to provoke and open the participant’s system and to offer an environment, in every detail, at the same time welcoming, and stimulating.

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In addition to games and theatrical experiences, we will offer dynamics that work with emotional intelligence, the multiple forms of powerful dialogues, the perception and use, by the participant, of the power of the word and its energetical potentiality; the opening of energetic channels, as well as varied emotional, intellectual and aesthetic stimuli, using the stars and knowledge of ancient traditions such as astrology and theatrical pedagogy.

We are Brazilian, Anthropophagic, we seek unsuspected syntheses in an ethics aesthetics for the 21st century! Come to the possibility of new Images!

The realization of a group task – the creation of a theatrical performance to be shared with the community – and the experience of meeting the public and of an “artistic baptism” or a confirmation of the creative path, allows us to think about the process as an artistical ritual.

The process opens up possibilities of transformation through pleasure (not pain) – through beauty, poetry, through encounters – with oneself, with the other, with nature, with the universe of authors we will work on.

The program is designed so that, with each experience, in a simple way, the participant and the collective take a step further in creating a theatrical performance that will be presented at the end of the process. In party!

Who is it for?
  • The experience is for ALL those looking for more pleasure, joy, art, beauty, and new horizons for life – from 18 to 118 years old.
    For those who feel creative blocks, want to break stagnation in general, or are simply hungry for new experiences and new images.
    Or hunger for more life.
  • For those who need a physical, emotional, and mental detox. Or simply want to take care of oneself, in an original way.
  • For those who want to rest in a paradise ecovillage, at Bahia, and find new people and experiences…especially if they also want to rest from themselves – or rather, from their “dominant self” – giving space and voice to other-selves. Even if shy or mysterious…
  • For those who want to wake up their most creative side and benefit from personal spheres, relationships, work, family, and even spirituality.
  • For artists or non-artists looking for new creative impulses.
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What do participants say about it?

Lorenza Paceau

“An experience that totally transformed who I am… deeply more connected with myself.”

Sami Elia

“Something really precious… to relate in a completely new form with our creative energy.”

Marília Tomé Silva

“There is a before and an after with this experience: the appropriation of my body, the power that we all have..”

Tha Program

Activities and schedules may change depending on the needs of the group. This is a basic script.

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  • Arrival – Where am I?
    • Day to discover and enjoy the beauty of the place, the beach, and the sea. Enjoy good local vegan food.
    • DINNER – 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm.
    • Community Night Accords and “Artistic” Welcome (Circular Dances) – 8 pm.


  • Breakfast 8 am to 9 am.
  • Part 1- 9 am to 12:30 pm.
    • Theatrical training – change as a creative language; first stimuli for accessing the energy of words.
    • Creative and non-violent dialogues – opening the energy of dialogue through theatrical practice – how to go beyond dialogue to convince the other
    • Dialogue to generate new worlds, create hybrids, and access knowledge.
    • Artistic practice – scenes.
  • Lunch and break (suggested bathing in the river…) 12:30 to 14:30
  • Part 2 – from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm
    • Interactive Seminar – Communication: a key to power.
    • Opening artistic energy – exercises to stimulate creative and poetic, philosophical thinking – a world “outside of boxes”. Work with images and stimulation from visual artists.
  • Dinner and break (5:30 pm to 7:45 pm)
  • 7:45 pm to 9:45 pm
    • The magic of the night – Night experience – Cocoa & “dancing with the divine”


  • Breakfast 8 am to 9 am.
  • Part 3 – 9 am to 1 pm
    • Awakening energy for creative work – energy practices
    • Atmosphere (of spaces, characters, collectives) – Michael Chekhov’s bases for their artistic work.
    • Synesthetic experience – nature as an impulse.
  • Lunch (and free break) from 12:30 to 14:30
  • Part 4 – from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm
    • Experience – The Awakening of the Inner Artist – releasing expression;
  • Break and dinner from 5:30 pm to 7:45 pm
  • 7:45 pm to 9:45 pm
    “The Magic of the Night” – Encounter your myths & animals – invoking inner selves.


  • Breakfast 8 am to 9 am.
  • Part 5 – from 9 am to 12:30 pm
    • Psychophysical training and shifting energies – creation as a state of FLOW?
    • From exercise to the scene – Opening a scene by Chekhov.
  • Lunch from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm
  • Part 6 – 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm
    • The collective as creative energy
    • The Marathons – performance base
    • Interactive Seminar – Emotional… intelligence?
  • Dinner
  • 19:45 to 22:00.
    • “The magic of the night” – Emotional intelligence.


  • Breakfast 8 am to 9 am
  • Part 7- from 9 am to 12:30 pm
    • Energetic practices – the being as a conglomeration of pulsating energies…
    • Playing with characters & creating stories by improvisation.
  • Lunch from 12:30 to 14:30
  • Part 8 – from 2:30 pm to 5 pm
    • The voice – vocal dynamics and the playful voice – improvisations.
    • Lecture – The poetry of the self – astrology as a way to identify creative powers.
  • Dinner
  • Nightlife -7:45pm to 10pm
    • “The magic of the night”: Theater Experience – Anthropophagy as an impulse for creation – Fragments of Tarsila (professional theatrical performance) & conversation circle.


  • Part 9- From 9 am to 12:30 pm
  • Creative exercises with the collective
    • In the short story “The Wallet”, by Chekhov.
    • Creative dynamics.
  • Lunch 12:30pm to 2:30pm
  • Part 10 – from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm
    • The creative individuality in action – Cosmogony
    • Preparation of the creative encounter with the community.
  • Dinner
  • 19:45 to 21:45
    “The magic of the night” – Surprise experience.


  • Part 11 – from 9 am to 1 pm – Preparation for an artistic meeting with the community
    Lunch and free afternoon until 16:00.
  • Part 12 – The composition of 1 to 12 & the synthesis of impulses – Preparation for the meeting with the community – 4 pm to 6 pm
  • Artistic meeting with the community at 6:00 pm or 6:30 pm
  • Dinner
  • Closing party.


  • Breakfast is included in the package.

The Facilitators

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Theater director, actress, playwright, and therapist, with over 25 years of experience. Doctoral student in a Paris 8 and ECA-USP doctoral interchange, Master in Performing Arts from ECA-USP, with a second master’s degree in theater pedagogy guided by Russian director Jurij Alschitz at UNAM, National Autonomous University of Mexico.

Author of the books “Matriarchy-America: A Máquina dos Sonhos”, “Matriarchy of Pindorama & other images-mornings” and “Frida Kahlo- Heat and Cold: a path to the performative word”.

Over the past few years she has held various international artist residencies and participated in seminars at AKT Zent in Berlin; at the Potlach Theater, in Italy, an arm of ISTA, in seminars at the Intercultural School of Anthropological Theater (2008, 2015); at Milón Méla, in India and 2 months in Poland, in an artistic residency with Anatoli Vassiliev at the Grotowski Institute (2010-11). Her last seminar was studying Active-Analyses with Tatiane Stepatchenko, at ARTA, in Paris (2021). Since 2011, she has been studying with Russian director Jurij Alschitz.

Her artistic and pedagogical work circulated in several countries such as Germany, Italy, Chile, Portugal, France, and Mexico. Among her latest creations, as a director, actress, and playwright: the film theater Matriarchy-America in two episodes (“A Sociedade das Eróticas em Menopausa” and “A Máquina dos Sonhos”) – presented in Paris, Portugal, and São Paulo;

Matriarchy of Pindorama (Teatro Estelar and Ipiranga Museum); Frida Kahlo- Calor e Frio, Cain, Alice (the last 3 directed by Ismar Rachamann) and Performance Stanislavski, directed by Jurij Alschitz in Mexico City.

She has taught classes and seminars at universities in Brazil (ECA-USP, Performing Arts graduation-training of actors and University of S. João del Rey), Mexico (UNAM), Germany (AKT-Zen Theater Center), and Italy (Potlach Theater).

One of the founders of the Estelar de Teatro company, based in São Paulo, and responsible for the Estelar Theater, in the traditional São Paulo neighborhood of Bela Vista (Bexiga).

Talk to Viviane on WhatsApp

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Ismar Smith is a Director, Actor, and Theater Teacher with over 20 years of experience. He also works as Master Art Coach, Behavioral Profile Analyst, and Holistic Therapist. He helps artists to extract their best potential for the world.

He helps “non-artists” to recognize and enhance the unique and unparalleled Inner Artist that lives within them. This is a process of self-study and self-care that will bring new results in personal and professional life, in any area of activity.

He has been dedicating himself for the last 22 years to self-knowledge, directing his research to the integration between art, therapy, personal development and spirituality.

Doctoral student in Performing Arts at the University of São Paulo – USP, Master in Theater Pedagogy also at USP with the dissertation “Energy in the actor’s work: from chakras to scenic creation”. Specialist in energetic training for actors, under the guidance of Russian director Jurij Alschitz, in the Master Program for Theater Teachers in Mexico (UNAM) lasting two years. Graduated from INDAC School of Actors and Graduated in Social Communication from PUC-SP.

He had spent two years in artistic residencies at the Potlach Theater (Italy), where he followed a specialization program in the areas of direction, acting, and technique, having participated in several trainings, courses, and workshops in European territory.

He has been one of the artistic directors of Estelar de Teatro, a company dedicated to language research, since 2006. He directed all of its performances, always in partnership with playwright, actress, and director Viviane Dias.

During his career, he has been teaching courses and workshops, both in Brazil and in other countries. He is also a facilitator of Active Meditations, energetic techniques that he has been practicing for 22 years, both in theater courses and in self-knowledge processes for groups.
Master System Integral Coach and Behavioral Profile Analyst by Febracis SP. Participation in more than 500 hours of immersive training involving Emotional Intelligence, Reprogramming of Beliefs, Business, and Finance, in addition to training in Coaching.

Trained as a therapist by DEP (Energetic Dynamics of Psychism), where he is currently an assistant in the training course, in addition to Reiki and initiated in Aura Reading. He has also participated, throughout his life, in different transpersonal and holistic therapies, both individual and in groups, such as Rebirth, Primal Scream, Bob Hofmann, Gurdjieff, Systemic Constellation, Enneagram, Access Bars, Thetahealing.

He has participated in and conducted various shamanic practices over the past 20 years.

Talk to Ismar on Whatsapp

Quarto Para Alugar em Piracanga

All our rooms have bed linen, bath towels, mosquito net, hot water, WiFi internet, 100% biodegradable personal hygiene kit.

Designed with large windows, well ventilated, balconies with hammocks, and prioritizing the use of local materials with low environmental impact.

All our rooms have an extremely privileged location: in front of the Piracanga River and the sea, surrounded by exuberant nature.

Most have private bathrooms, and the cabins have shared outdoor bathrooms.


All your food is included in the retreat package, so you don’t have to worry about anything else.

You will have breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day served at the Unah restaurant.

Our cuisine is 100% plant-based. In other words, no ingredients of animal origin are used in the preparation of the dishes.

We believe that our relationship with what we eat can revolutionize the world. This is an opportunity for you to realize your body, from balanced and healthy nutrition during these days.

alimentação vegana piracanga
Imersão Escola Inkiri
Experiences and Activities

In addition to the activities proposed in this event, you will be able to experience the most diverse additional activities offered by the local community.

The daily schedule at the Unah center is very dynamic and practically every day there are a series of activities and events (some are open, others are paid):

  • Yoga Practices (various aspects)
  • Circle Dances
  • Shows and Soiree
  • Workshops on various topics: conscious eating, permaculture, education, etc.)
  • Experiences in Nature: walk in the mangrove and forest
  • Holistic Therapies: massages, aquatic massage

And many others….

Paradisiac Environment

In Piracanga we have the privilege of being in a nursery in the Atlantic Forest.

In our landscapes, we can enjoy a wild mangrove, a deserted beach, a preserved forest, and at the meeting of the Piracanga river with the sea, watch the dawn with the singing of birds.

It is in this scenario that you will experience every moment of your experience here. Nature supports us, nourishes, balances…

Practice the exercise of feeling and listening to your messages.

Ecovila Piracanga Bahia
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It is very important that you understand and share our coexistence agreements while in Piracanga:

  • We only use 100% biodegradable products: this care is essential to keep our water source pure. You will receive a gift kit on your arrival.
  • We maintain a 100% plant-based diet at the Unah center.
  • It is not allowed to use or remain under the influence of any type of drug (alcohol, marijuana, and others) inside Piracanga.
  • All waste produced by us must be cleaned, separated, and sent to the recycling center.
  • Pets are not allowed, as they hunt and scare the wild fauna that already lives here.


To make the most of your experience in Unah Piracanga, our packages already include:

  • Accommodation: for the entire period (7 nights, starting on July 3 and ending on July 10), in the type of room that best suits your needs.
  • Meals: Breakfast, lunch and dinner for the entire period. Starts at dinner on July 3rd until lunch on July 10th.
  • Activities: all activities and experiences of the Awakening of Creative Energy.


Package prices for the complete 7-day Awakening of Creative Energy start at R$2,250.


1# Book Accommodation and Food:

Accommodation + breakfast + lunch + dinner for the entire period, from R$1,050 (or 6x from R$175)

Click the button below to proceed:

2# Reserve your spot at the Event:

Reserve your spot at the event directly with the organization, in the amount of R$ 1,200 (for the first 10 registered, after the 11th, the value increases to R$ 1,340).

Click the button below to proceed:

Unah Piracanga - Logo Branco